# | Project Name | Start | End | Word | Project Type | Amount | Latest Status | Progress |
1 | Latrine construction at Mulkuri Gauri Ashram. | 01-07-2016 | 30-06-2017 | 1 | Others | ৫০,০০০/- | বাস্তবায়িত | |
2 | Construction of Latrine and Prasub Khana at the Matihas Radhagovinda Temple | 01-07-2016 | 30-06-2017 | 3 | Others | ১,০০,০০০/- | বাস্তবায়িত | |
3 | Kumeira Pundit Pukur UP Office Reform | 01-07-2016 | 30-06-2017 | 4 | Others | ১,০০,০০০/- | বাস্তবায়িত | |
4 | Development and Reform of Kumira Pundit Pukur Jalal Uddin Mandal Memorial Library. | 01-07-2016 | 30-06-2017 | 4 | Others | ১,৮০,০০০/- | বাস্তবায়িত | |
5 | Development and reform of the Kumira Pandit Pukur Tiger Club. | 01-07-2016 | 30-06-2017 | 4 | Others | ২,০০,০০০/- | বাস্তবায়িত | |
6 | Construction of gate and latrine of Kumira Pandit Pukur High School | 21-12-2017 | 4 | Others | ২,০০,০০০/- | বাস্তবায়নাধীন | ||
7 | Do new tents in windows, doors and floors of the new room of Kumira Panditpukur office in Bhatra UP. | 21-12-2017 | 4 | Others | ১,৫০,০০০/- | বাস্তবায়নাধীন |
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS